The main function of the Hot Washer is washing plastic flakes with hot water (up to 85ºC) and detergents, achieving high-quality standards for downstream processing steps such as manufacturing of food-grade plastic products.
Location: Germany
The HWK 3000 hot washing system, enables a continuous washing process due to its rotating carrousel with individual washing chambers. Each chamber is fitted with an agitator for mixing the flakes into the washing liquid and add mechanical impact to free up the flakes and remove contamination. The retention time can be adjusted to match the degree of soiling by changing the speed of the carousel. The flakes are fed into the carrousel at one side, after a nearly full rotation the flakes are discharged via a screw conveyor which dewaters and transports the flakes to the next step in the process. The washing liquid runs via a parallel loop which enables continuous cleaning, heating and dosing of chemicals when necessary.
The HWK washing system has the following advantages:
• Low power consumption with high washing performance
• Continuous infeed and discharge (continuous operation of the entire washing unit, no batch operation)
• Continuous cleaning of the washing liquid in a parallel circuit
• Stable temperature of washing liquid over retention time
• Agitators to add mechanical friction for cleaning in combination with the hot temperature and chemicals.
• Exact addition of sodium hydroxide solution (low dosing) and other additives if necessary
• Long adjustable dwell time thanks to a special rotating chamber